With Happy

This was the photo set I had waited for so long. I had photographed Cuong twice for Sonday Savour, one when he was on his routine of training and the other on his first ‘meet’ and winning in powerlifting competition. Most of the images showed a muscular Cuong with distorted facial expression while the original Sunday Savour image should be a young man resting in his spare time. I felt I had not told my blog viewers enough about this man. After several times of making appointment and telling him: “I want more intimate photos of you”, waiting for him to finish term exams and trip abroad to support his lifting team, I got this! This was Cuong on a normal spare day: going to the market early, home alone doing housework, stretching muscles and taking care of his son “Happy”.

5 thoughts on “With Happy

  1. I once met him at school in my junior year and in the first impression i knew he was gay. And boom… now i know that is true, i fk admire my radar tbh, but i never expected that much like he’s a whole lot diffirent from he’s in person or his facebook is completely strange, never cross my mind about the fact he’s gay or not or i have to explore that thing bla bla bla, but today somehow everything was a coincidence and that’s that !!!


      1. Did he tell you he’s not gay or it’s just your presumption he’s not ? Yes he really looks so straight but it’s totally fake i suppose.


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